Missed the Message on Sunday? Watch the re-recorded Part 2 of Practicing the Way: From Brokenness to Blessing


Series Resources and Links

Practicing the Way Resources

Oct 6 - Nov 24

What if your spiritual life could be transformed from mundane to extraordinary? Join us for an illuminating series, "Practicing the Way," where we dive deep into the practices and principles that will revolutionize your walk with Jesus.

From laying the foundations of formation, we’ll explore how adopting Jesus’ lifestyle can unlock a life filled with purpose and peace. Experience the power of turning brokenness into blessing as we discover how God can redeem our past pains into profound spiritual growth. Witness how family faith formation can set the stage for a legacy of love and devotion, shaping the next generation in the way of Jesus.

Be inspired by the chorus of community, where we’ll reveal how fellowship in the body of Christ creates a harmonious and powerful witness to the world. Learn the principles of practices that guide us in spiritual disciplines, offering practical ways to deepen our relationship with God. Embrace the rhythms of rest and discover how intentional pauses can rejuvenate your soul amidst life’s chaos.

And, ultimately, let everything be driven by a life of love, the core motivation that fuels our journey of discipleship and transformation.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative adventure? Join us each week as we uncover the way of Jesus and experience an abundant life of love, connection, and purpose.

Join a Life Group or join a special two month group during this sermon series to dig deeper into Spiritual Formation.

Foundations of Formation – Sunday, October 6

Imagine a life where peace, purpose and fellowship with God are not fleeting ideals but daily realities. What if the abundant life that Jesus spoke of is not only possible but promised—if we are willing to walk in the footsteps of Jesus? In this introductory message to our new series, "Practicing the Way," we'll explore the essence of spiritual formation, a journey that transforms us from the inside out. John Mark Comer reminds us, "If you want to experience the life of Jesus, you have to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus." But what does that mean for us today? Spiritual formation is more than just a religious practice; it’s a process of becoming like Jesus in our thoughts, habits, and character. It’s essential because it shapes who we are and how we live in the world. We will reveal why spiritual formation in the way of Jesus is critical to true life change and how it's not a passive process but an intentional pursuit. We’ll uncover practical steps you can take to be formed by Jesus, guiding you toward a life marked by love, joy, and deep, abiding peace. Join us as we lay the foundation for a journey that will not just change your life—but transform it from the inside out.

Brokenness to Blessing – Sunday, October 13

What if the very wounds you carry are the seeds of your greatest transformation? In this journey from brokenness to blessing, we will explore the profound truth that God doesn't waste our pain—instead, He weaves it into His beautiful plan for our lives. We'll discover that true spiritual maturity is impossible without emotional health. To move forward, we must first look back, digging deep into our past to uncover and process the broken experiences that still hold us captive. This journey of healing isn't easy, but it's essential for breaking free from the bondages, addictions, and strongholds that have kept us from living fully in the way of Jesus. We'll learn that by facing our brokenness, we allow God to transform it into a blessing, leading us into greater spiritual maturity and formation. This is more than just self-improvement—it's about becoming who God created you to be. Are you ready to turn your pain into purpose? Join us as we take the first steps on this transformative journey.

Family Faith Formation – Sunday, October 20

Lawson Murray, President of Scripture Union Canada

What if the most significant spiritual impact you could ever make isn't in the church but in your own home? We’ll explore the crucial role families play in shaping the faith of the next generation. The journey of spiritual formation starts young, and the early years are foundational in determining a child's lifelong relationship with Jesus. Parents and grandparents have a unique and powerful opportunity to disciple their children, teaching them not just with words but through the way they live out the gospel daily. We'll discuss practical steps to creating an environment where faith is more than just a Sunday ritual but a vibrant, everyday experience. The responsibility of passing down faith starts in our homes, where the seeds of faith are planted and nurtured. This message will challenge you to take an active and intentional role in your children's faith journey, guiding them to make a relationship with Jesus their own. Are you ready to make your home a place where faith thrives? Join us to learn how you can leave a lasting spiritual legacy for generations to come.

The Chorus of Community – Sunday, October 27

Toronto Mass choir

Imagine a choir where each voice sings alone—disjointed, incomplete, lacking harmony. But when those voices unite, they create a beautiful chorus that stirs the soul. As we listen to a beautiful choir, we’ll dive into the powerful truth that God never intended for us to live this life alone. From the beginning, He designed us to thrive in community, where we support, sharpen, and spur one another on toward spiritual growth. Just as Jesus lived in community, journeying with His disciples, we too are called to walk alongside others in our pursuit of the way of Jesus. We’ll explore how every spiritual discipline has a communal aspect, and how experiencing Jesus’ life and teachings becomes richer and more profound when done together. The Toronto Mass Choir in our service is a living illustration of this truth: when we, the body of Christ, operate in unity, we create something beautiful, rich, and harmonious reflecting the deep love of Jesus. Are you ready to join the chorus and find your place in the community of faith? Come and discover how life is meant to be lived together.

The Principles of Practices – Sunday, November 3

What if the secret to a transformed life lies in simple, daily practices? As we grow in spiritual formation, we’ll uncover the spiritual disciplines that serve as the cataylst for growth in the way of Jesus. We’ll explore how practices like prayer, Scripture reading, generosity, service, fasting, and solitude are not mere religious rituals but essential tools for spiritual formation. These disciplines are the pathways through which God shapes our hearts, minds, and souls, aligning us more closely with His will and character. But practicing these disciplines isn’t about adding more to our already busy lives; it’s about integrating them in a way that naturally flows from our desire to know and love Jesus more deeply. We’ll discuss how these practices create space for God to work in us, bringing about lasting transformation that goes beyond surface-level change. Are you ready to embark on a journey that will revolutionize your walk with Christ? Join us as we dive into the principles that will help you practice the way of Jesus every day.

The Rhythms of Rest – Sunday, November 10

What if the key to the abundant life isn’t doing more, but doing less? In a world that glorifies busyness and demands our constant attention, we are invited to rediscover the ancient, yet revolutionary practice of Sabbath rest. We’ll explore how the hurried pace of modern life is eroding our souls, leaving us weary and disconnected from God and others. Jesus, who accomplished so much, never rushed—He lived intentionally, embracing the rhythms of rest that allowed Him to move through life with peace and purpose. This message will challenge you to slow down, create space, and integrate rest into your daily life, not as a luxury, but as a vital spiritual discipline. We’ll delve into practical ways to unplug, pause, and breathe in the midst of our hectic schedules, and discover how true rest brings us back to the heart of God. Are you ready to break free from the tyranny of hurry and find the peace your soul longs for? Join us as we learn to live in the unhurried way of Jesus.

A Life of Love – Sunday, November 17

Imagine a life where every action, choice, and pursuit is driven by a profound, unshakeable love. As we apprentice with Jesus, we’ll uncover the heart of what it means to follow Jesus: a love so deep and transformative that it changes everything. The foundation of our spiritual journey is not merely obedience or discipline, but love—love that responds to the divine love God has shown us first. We’ll explore how every aspect of our spiritual formation, from practicing the disciplines to making disciples, must be rooted in this love. It’s not about mere compliance or duty; it’s about being so captivated by Jesus’ love that we desire to be with Him, become like Him, and do what He did. This love compels us to grow in our apprenticeship with Jesus and to invite others into the same life-changing relationship. We’ll discover that when love is the driving force, our spiritual practices become more than rituals—they become a vibrant expression of our devotion. Join us as we dive into the radical, all-encompassing love that is the true essence of discipleship.

Mission Sunday - Sunday, November 24

bill dyck, toronto alliance church