Missed the Message on Sunday? Watch the re-recorded Part 2 of Practicing the Way: From Brokenness to Blessing


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Praise Items

  • Thanksgiving Weekend and an opportunity to gather with family and friends to thank God!
  • Those engaged in Life Groups
  • Those seeking the Lord for greater intentional spiritual formation
  • Wonderful engagement in our Faith, Family & Fun nights
  • Alpha participants digging deeper into faith and Jesus

Today's Service

  • Temporary sound system and smooth tech experience
  • Life Groups meeting after the service engaging in the 8 week Spiritual Formation Primer
  • Message on Brokenness to Blessing and that people would be willing to dig deeper inwardly and into their past

Churches in our Community

Unionville Mandarin Alliance Church (UMAC)

Families at UAC

Starting from the end of our directory going backwards:

  • Eunice Warkentin
  • Tom & Wilma Ward (Jennifer, Jessica, Ashley)
  • Mimi Wang
  • Jun & Jean Guo (Jacklin)
  • Alexander & Wendy Wang (Gordon, Hannah)
  • Andrew & Melissa Wallace (Caleb, Chloe)
  • Raymond & Patricia Wade
  • Caleb Vincent

UAC Family Needs

  • Mike & Brandy Bayley (Ella)
  • Audra Bridgelal (spine problems)
  • Colin Ainsworth's mom (suspected Colin cancer)
  • Don Robinson in hospital after a mini-stroke
  • More volunteers for
  • Masters Pantry on Saturday mornings
  • People to give rides to and from church
  • Funding Provision for our Sound System ($300,000)

Missional Needs

  • Missions Cohort fundraising for trip to Thailand
  • That we would be a mission-focused church
  • Operation Christmas Child starting and collection week in November
  • Jaffrey Offering for The Arabian Peninsula and South Asia