The Way In Babylon Resources

In a world that increasingly pressures Christians to compromise their beliefs, how can we live faithfully, courageously, and counter-culturally? How can we live in a way that engages culture and shines the light of Jesus in dark places? The Way in Babylon explores the life and visions of Daniel, a man who remained steadfast in his faith while thriving in one of history's most godless empires. From the small decisions of integrity to standing firm in life-or-death trials, Daniel’s story reveals the power of unwavering trust in God. Through narratives of fiery furnaces, lions’ dens, and blasphemous feasts to apocalyptic visions of beasts and the Son of Man, this 11-part series unpacks God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, and eternal purposes.
We’ll discover timeless lessons about prayer, integrity, humility, and hope in the midst of opposition, all while learning to live as faithful exiles in a culture that opposes God. Daniel’s example shows us how small acts of faith prepare us for greater challenges, how prayer shapes our understanding of God’s will, and how humility invites God’s grace. We’ll see that standing for God often brings resistance but also opportunities for His glory to be revealed.
As we dive into visions of kingdoms rising and falling, we’ll be reminded that God reigns supreme over all history and that His eternal kingdom is unshakable. Each chapter of Daniel calls us not only to endure but to thrive, trusting in the God who walks with us through the fire and shuts the mouths of lions. This series will equip you to live boldly for Christ, knowing that the same God who empowered Daniel is with us today. Together, we’ll learn to walk The Way in Babylon, confident that God’s victory is certain, His promises are true, and His kingdom will never end. Let’s pray and live as Jesus taught us, that his Kingdom would come here on earth as it is in heaven.
The Bible Project Overview
Digging Deeper
Here are some resources that can help you to dig deeper into the Book of Daniel over the course of the next few months as we study this book through our sermon series and Life Groups.
Layman's Resources:
- The Bible Project's: Guide to the Book of Daniel
- The Bible Project's 5 Part Podcast: Faithfulness In Exile
- John Lennox's book: Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism
- The Gospel Coalition's: Knowing the Bible: Daniel
- The Gospel Coalition & Crossway's: Introduction to Daniel
- Daniel Commentary by Mitch Chase
- The NIV Application Commentary
Scholarly Resources:
- Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary
- Word Biblical Commentary: Daniel
- Daniel: Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature (Amazon)
- Daniel: Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature (Google with Free limited preview)
Teaching Series Outline
Sunday, January 5, 2025 - Part 1 – Thriving in Exile: Living Faithfully in a Secular World
How do we live faithfully and courageously when everything around us challenges our beliefs? Daniel and his friends faced this exact question as exiles in Babylon, navigating a culture radically opposed to their faith. Yet their lives offer us a roadmap for thriving in the midst of opposition, showing how faithfulness to God transforms every circumstance. The book of Daniel is divided into two sections: chapters 1–6 recount inspiring narratives of unwavering devotion amidst trials, while chapters 7–12 unveil prophetic visions of God’s ultimate plan for history. Together, these sections emphasize God’s sovereignty, the call to live counter-culturally, and the hope of His eternal kingdom.
This opening message will introduce the larger themes of the series, including how small acts of faithfulness prepare us for greater challenges and how trust in God’s purposes sustains us through the trials of life. From fiery furnaces to apocalyptic visions, Daniel reveals the power of steadfast faith in a world that opposes God. How do we, like Daniel, stand firm in our convictions while pointing others to God’s glory? What does it mean to thrive spiritually in a culture that tempts us to compromise? This message will inspire you to live with courage and conviction, trusting in the God who reigns over all kingdoms and holds the future in His hands. Let's engage culture, reshape it, and impact the world around us!
Sunday, January 12, 2025 - Part 2 – Faithful in the Small Things
Scripture: daniel 1
How often do we overlook the small choices that shape our character? In Daniel 1, we find young Daniel and his friends faced with a decision that seemed minor on the surface but carried profound implications. Refusing to eat the king’s food, which violated Jewish dietary laws, was their first test of faithfulness in Babylon. Their courageous decision reminds us that integrity begins in the little things. This chapter teaches that the daily, seemingly insignificant choices we make build the foundation for standing firm in larger trials. We’ll see how God honored their faithfulness by granting them wisdom, strength, and favor. The theology of Daniel 1 shows us that God works through our obedience to shape our character and prepare us for greater things. Practically, this challenges us to consider how our everyday decisions reflect our faith. Are we honoring God in the small moments when no one is watching? This message will inspire you to embrace faithfulness as a way of life, trusting that God uses even the smallest acts of obedience for His glory and purpose.
Sunday, January 19, 2025 - Part 3 – When God Speaks Through Dreams
scripture: daniel 2
When life’s uncertainties loom, where do we turn for answers? In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream so troubling that none of his advisors can interpret it. Enter Daniel, who turns to God in prayer and receives the revelation of both the dream and its meaning. The dream—a towering statue representing successive earthly kingdoms—reveals God’s sovereignty over history and His ultimate plan to establish an eternal kingdom. Daniel’s reliance on prayer and his bold proclamation of truth remind us that wisdom and understanding come from God alone. This story challenges us to seek God’s wisdom in a world filled with conflicting voices. What does it mean to trust God’s plan when the future seems uncertain? How can we be sources of clarity and hope for others in the darkness? How can we engage the culture around us with the light of Jesus? This message will encourage you to develop a life of prayer and dependence on God, trusting His ability to guide you through life’s uncertainties while shining as a testimony of God’s love, grace, and faithfulness.
Sunday, February 2, 2025 - Part 4 – When The Heat Is On
scripture: daniel 3
What would it take for you to stand firm in your faith, even if the cost is your life? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego face this very question when commanded to bow before Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue. Their response in Daniel 3:16-18—acknowledging God’s ability to save them but resolving to remain faithful even if He does not—is one of the most profound declarations of faith in Scripture. As they are thrown into the fiery furnace, we see the miraculous presence of God walking with them in the fire. This story is a powerful reminder that faithfulness to God often means standing firm against cultural pressures, even when it’s costly. It also reassures us that God is with us in our trials, working for His glory and our good. Practically, this challenges us to examine the idols we might be tempted to bow to in our own lives—whether its success, approval, fame, riches, or comfort. How do we maintain our allegiance to God when the world demands compromise? How do we speak powerfully into the culture around us? This message will embolden you to stand firm in your convictions, trusting in the God who is able to deliver and who is always present, even in the fire.
Sunday, February 9, 2025 - Part 5 – Pride Comes Before A Fall
scripture: daniel 4
What happens when we forget who’s really in charge? King Nebuchadnezzar’s story in Daniel 4 is a cautionary tale of pride and the humbling power of God. After a dream warning him of his impending downfall, Nebuchadnezzar continues in his arrogance, boasting about his greatness. God humbles him dramatically, reducing him to live like a beast for seven years. Yet his story doesn’t end in despair; it ends in restoration as Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God’s sovereignty and praises Him as the true King. This chapter teaches us that pride blinds us to God’s authority and that humility is the key to experiencing His grace. How often do we build kingdoms of our own making, forgetting the One who rules over all? This message will challenge you to identify areas of pride in your life and invite God to lead you in humility. It’s a call to trust God’s authority over your plans, successes, and failures, knowing that He works all things together for His glory and our good.
Sunday, February 16, 2025 - Part 6 – The Writing On The Wall
scripture: daniel 5
Ever wonder what happens when God draws a line in the sand—and we decide to step right over it? King Belshazzar hosts a party that goes beyond mere excess; he uses sacred temple vessels to toast false gods, setting the stage for a night of divine confrontation. For us today, it’s a bold warning about misusing what God calls holy, whether that’s our relationships, our integrity, or the resources He’s entrusted to us. What do we do when “the writing on the wall” suddenly appears in our lives—those moments we realize our choices have consequences? But here’s the real challenge: How do we stay reverent in a culture that mocks the sacred? And what might it look like to honor God in our daily decisions rather than saving faith for Sunday morning? Whether it’s in our schedule, finances, job, family, or how we treat the people around us, we’re called to re-examine our priorities and give God first place in our lives.
Sunday, February 23, 2025 - Part 7 – When Faith Roars
scripture: daniel 6
Ever wonder how far you’d go to honour God—even if it meant staring down your worst nightmare? In Daniel 6, a royal decree makes prayer illegal, yet Daniel refuses to hide his devotion. His reward? A night locked in a pit with hungry lions. But instead of becoming dinner, Daniel’s unyielding faith paves the way for a miraculous rescue that shocks the entire kingdom. This isn’t just a thrilling Bible story; it’s a bold challenge to anyone whose faith feels under pressure. How do we cultivate the courage to follow God when our culture—or our own fears—tell us to stop? Can our prayers really move mountains (or, in Daniel’s case, shut lions’ mouths)? Discover how steadfast loyalty to God can transform impossible situations and propel you into a deeper, unshakeable faith. You might just find that the greatest miracles happen when we’re brave enough to stand for what we believe—no matter the cost.
Sunday, March 2, 2025 - Part 8 – From Earthly Thrones to the Eternal Kingdom
scripture: daniel 7
Ever look at the headlines and wonder if there’s a deeper plan behind the rise and fall of nations? The prophet Daniel receives a stunning vision of four monstrous beasts emerging from chaotic waters—symbolizing earthly kingdoms that grow powerful and then collapse. Yet the heart of this vision isn’t about the beasts at all; it’s about the “Son of Man”—a Messianic figure who represents Jesus and is given eternal dominion. This reveals a crucial theological truth: while earthly empires come and go, God’s kingdom stands unshakable and everlasting. If Christ truly reigns over history, then our hope doesn’t hinge on whoever happens to be in power right now. Instead, we can anchor our faith in the sovereignty of a King who outlasts every political scheme, economic crisis, and cultural upheaval. We are beckoned to live with an eternal perspective—grounding our decisions, priorities, and ambitions in God’s unending kingdom rather than the temporary systems of our world. How would your life change if you believed that the chaos around you can’t derail God’s redemptive plan? Let’s discover how trusting in Christ’s reign and kingdom can reshape our outlook, our choices, and our hope.
Sunday, March 9, 2025 - Part 9 – Hope When Evil is Overwhelming
scripture: daniel 8
Do you ever wonder why it sometimes feels like the “bad guys” keep winning? In Daniel 8, the prophet sees a vision of a mighty ram, a swift goat, and a terrifying ruler who dares to wage war against God’s people. Historically, these images point to the rise and fall of empires—most notably Persia and Greece—showing us that oppressive regimes may look invincible, yet they are ultimately no match for God’s authority. This chapter doesn’t downplay the reality of suffering; it acknowledges that evil can wreak havoc for a season, but it also underscores a profound theological truth: God’s justice stands unshaken amidst even the darkest trials. So how do we face these battles today? By putting on the full armor of God—fighting not with human strength, but with faith, righteousness, and God’s Word at our side. This vision challenges us to remain steadfast in our convictions and trust that God’s plan will prevail in His perfect timing. Feeling surrounded by opposition or discouraged by the latest headlines? Don’t lose heart. Come discover how this ancient prophecy can fortify your faith, ignite your endurance, and remind you that no act of evil goes unanswered in the eyes of a just and powerful God. You’ll walk away ready to face life’s battles with renewed confidence in the victory that’s already guaranteed.
Sunday, March 16, 2025 - Part 10 – Praying Through the Waiting
scripture: daniel 9
Have you felt like God’s promises are stuck on “pending”—and if your prayers really make a difference? Or maybe you’ve felt like His promises are on hold while life’s challenges just keep piling up. Daniel wrestles with delayed blessings for Israel. Instead of quietly waiting or giving in to discouragement, he launches into a heartfelt prayer of repentance—taking ownership of the very sins that led to exile. What follows is nothing short of remarkable: God sends the angel Gabriel, unveiling a prophetic timeline that not only addresses Israel’s imminent return but also foreshadows a far greater redemption, pointing straight to the Messiah. This chapter reminds us that while God’s clock might not match ours, His grace never fails, and His plans are always right on schedule. Daniel’s example shows us how earnest, humble prayer draws us into alignment with God’s bigger plans—even when answers don’t arrive instantly. If you’ve ever felt frustrated waiting on the Lord, or wondered whether He’s even listening, Daniel 9 offers tangible hope and a glimpse of how heaven’s timeline intersects with our messy realities. Our prayers can ignite God’s promises, strengthen our faith, and reshape our perspective on waiting.
Sunday, March 23, 2025 - Part 11 – Living in the Light of Eternity
scripture: daniel 10-12
What do we do when the end feels near? Daniel’s final visions reveal the spiritual battles behind human history, the ultimate deliverance of God’s people, and the promise of resurrection. These chapters reveal not only the unseen warfare between angels and demonic powers but also God’s ultimate plan to deliver His people and establish His eternal kingdom. We are reminded that God is in control, even in the face of chaos and conflict. How should we live in light of the end? This message challenges us to endure with faith, live boldly for Christ, and trust in the hope of His eternal kingdom. It’s a call to faithfulness in the present, knowing that God writes the final chapter of history. You’ll leave inspired to live for the God whose victory is certain and whose promises are eternal.